Risk Management

Risk Management

Fundamental Approach

MIYAJI ENGINEERING GROUP and its operating subsidiaries shall accurately deal with natural disasters, accidents, other man-made disasters, and various management risks, and tackle risk management in accordance with the following basic policies in order to fulfill our Social Responsibilities by doing whatever we can to prevent and eliminate all factors that may hinder the achievement of our management philosophy and management objectives.

  1. Through risk management practices, we shall continually and stably develop our business and maintain and enhance our Corporate Values and Social Evaluations.
  2. Giving top priority to ensuring the quality and safety of our products and services, we shall strive to eliminate or reduce factors that may damage our Corporate Values and Social Evaluations, as well as eliminate or reduce factors that may hinder the Social Evaluations and economic benefits of our customers, business partners, shareholders, investors, local communities, and other stakeholders, as well as our own Officers and Employees, etc.
  3. We shall make it our social mission to provide a stable supply of products and services that are widely used throughout society.
  4. All Officers and Employees, etc. shall comply with various laws, regulations, rules, etc., in the spirit of compliance and shall autonomously consider what is the right thing to do and act based on that judgment.

All Officers and Employees, etc. shall comply with various laws, regulations, rules, etc., in the spirit of compliance and shall autonomously consider what is the right thing to do and act based on that judgment.

  1. Each MEG Group Company shall refrain from activities that are problematic from a compliance perspective.
  2. Each MEG Group Company shall honestly acknowledge violations, deviations, negligence, etc., and promptly take corrective measures and measures to prevent recurrence.
  3. Each MEG Group Company shall clarify roles, responsibilities, and authority within the organization, as well as information communication routes.
  4. Each MEG Group Company shall continue to provide adequate training and conduct rigorous evaluations of all Officers and Employees, etc.
  5. Each MEG Group Company shall conduct an appropriate self-audit each year in accordance with management policy and guidelines.
  6. Each MEG Group Company shall recognize its Social Responsibilities as a corporation and make appropriate efforts as a corporation to resolve issues necessary for a sustainable society.
  7. Each MEG Group Company shall conduct compliance promotion activities as a management priority.
  1. Risk Management Promotion Structure

    MEG shall establish a Compliance and Risk Management Committee under the Board of Directors as an organization to build and promote risk management.

  2. Definition of Risk Management

    1. Risk means the uncertainty of the occurrence of an event that may affect the Corporate Values of each MEG Group Company, the Social Evaluations they generate in the future, and their earnings.
    2. Risk management means coordinated activities that direct and control the organization with respect to risk. Risk management aims to reduce the number of dangerous or undesirable outcomes for each MEG Group Company, rather than maximize profits.
    3. Risk management systems refer to the various elements of an organization’s management system for risk management, including strategic planning, decision-making, and other processes related to risks.
    4. A crisis means an event that has or may have a significant impact on the management or business activities of each MEG Group Company due to having an adverse effect on human health, an adverse effect on Corporate Values, causing significant deterioration in Social Evaluations, or destroying property or rendering it unusable.
    5. Crisis management means management related to prior initiatives in preparation for a crisis or emergency and the actual emergency response in the face of a crisis.
  3. Risks Covered by Risk Management

    The types of risks targeted by risk management initiatives are as follows.

    1. Accidents that have a significant social impact at construction sites
    2. Quality non-conformance issues that have a significant social impact
    3. Violations of various laws and regulations established by the government and notices, bulletins, guidelines, outlines, etc. established by administrative agencies
    4. Violations of various regulations, etc. established by organizations to which each MEG Group Company belongs
    5. Actions and events other than those listed above that significantly damage social trust and evaluations
    6. Actions that seriously violate general social rules, socially accepted various norms, and ethical values
    7. Large-scale natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons
    8. Climate change risks
    9. Events that have a significant adverse effect on MEG that do not fall under any of the above