Basic Policy Concerning the Development of an Internal Control System
MIYAJI ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) shall work on the development of an internal control system by establishing the following basic policy, pursuant to a resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors, concerning the development of an internal control system based on the Companies Act, that includes a legal compliance system and a risk management system at its core, and a system for storing and managing information, a system for ensuring the efficiency of the execution of duties, a system for ensuring the appropriateness of the operations of the Group, and a system for ensuring the effectiveness of audits by the Audit and Supervisory Committee. The Company’s operating subsidiaries shall also work on the development of internal control systems, pursuant to a resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors, in accordance with similar basic policies for the development of an internal control system. Through the development of such systems, the Group shall strive for sound corporate development by further strengthening our efforts to provide safe and superior products, construction, and services as a corporate group that is trusted by our clients and other stakeholders.
Furthermore, as a holding company, the Company monitors the status of our operating subsidiaries and manages the Group, and is also accountable for their performance.