MEG Charter of Corporate Behavior

MEG Charter of Corporate Behavior

MIYAJI ENGINEERING GROUP’s management philosophy is to “contribute to the enrichment of our nation and the creation of a brighter society through the construction, maintenance, and repair of societal infrastructure such as bridges, buildings, and coastal structures.”

Based on this management philosophy, this Charter of Corporate Behavior clarifies the Group’s shared values, ethics, and specific standards of behavior that are required in our business activities in order for the Group to fulfill its corporate social responsibility.

Each Group company shall establish and appropriately operate a compliance (ethics and legal compliance) management system based on this Charter of Corporate Behavior. The members of each Group company shall engage in sensible corporate activities to achieve and maintain the sustainable growth of the Group. Each Group company shall also work diligently to fulfill social responsibilities with regard to all stakeholders, including shareholders, business partners, and local communities.

  1. Provide safe and high-quality products, construction work, services, etc.

    As a company involved in the construction of social infrastructure, we are aware of our social mission to ensure public safety and provide high-quality construction products, and we respond to the needs of society and our customers by strengthening and enhancing safety measures, improving our technical capabilities, and developing and proposing new technologies to gain customer satisfaction and trust.

  2. Compliance with relevant laws and regulations, fair competition

    We shall observe the Antimonopoly Act, the Construction Business Act, and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as social norms, and engage in fair, transparent, and free competition and appropriate business transactions. Furthermore, we shall maintain wholesome and normal relations with politicians and governments.

  3. Ensure information security and protect intellectual property

    We shall strictly manage confidential information, customer information, personal information, etc., giving sufficient consideration to the security of information systems, to prevent leaks to third parties, use for other purposes, and other illegal acts. Furthermore, we shall endeavor to protect intellectual property rights and shall not engage in acts that infringe on or misappropriate the rights of others.

  4. Appropriate management and timely disclosure of corporate information and assets

    We shall conduct proper accounting procedures in accordance with laws and regulations, accounting standards, etc., appropriately manage corporate information and assets, and disclose information required by society concerning the state of our management and our overall corporate activities in a timely and appropriate manner.

  5. Maintenance of a safe and comfortable workplace environment and respect for the individual

    We shall respect the diversity, personalities, and individuality of our employees, ensure a safe and comfortable workplace, and encourage an effective work-life balance.

  6. Preservation of the environment

    We shall comply with laws, regulations, and other standards relating to environmental preservation, and work to reduce our burden on the environment, conserve and reuse resources, and reduce waste. In particular, we shall engage in business activities that give due consideration to the recycling and proper disposal of construction by-products.

  7. Contribution to society

    As a corporate citizen that is a member of society, we shall strive to co-exist with local communities and actively engage in activities that contribute to society at large.

  8. Blocking relations with anti-social forces

    We shall not have any relations with anti-social forces or groups that threaten the order and safety of civil society.

  9. Contribution to the international community

    In response to the globalization of our operations, we shall not only comply with the laws of each country and region and respect various international standards, but also contribute to the economic development of those countries or regions while respecting their cultures and customs.

  10. Responsibilities of officers and responding to issues

    In order to realize the spirit of this Charter of Corporate Behavior, the officers of each Group company shall take the initiative in ensuring that this Charter is thoroughly implemented within the company and that all related parties, including business partners, are familiar with the Charter. Furthermore, the officers shall constantly monitor internal and external opinions and develop effective internal systems.

    In the event of a violation of this Charter of Corporate Behavior, the officers shall clarify the cause and responsibility, work to resolve the issue and prevent recurrence, and take strict disciplinary action, including on themselves.